Thursday 13 March 2014

iPad or Wooden Blocks?

Every child loves to play- it’s what sets their imagination buzzing and ignites some form of educational learning. However, presently living in a fast-paced technological driven world, many “toys” have now qualified as gadgets, consoles and all sorts of devices.
One may argue that this is the way to go- keep up with the times and scrap out the educational toy puzzles. But, is this ideal for our children’s learning skills? Or, will the absence of counting “play play” money make a difference? Let’s investigate the pros and cons;

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  • ·         The awesome graphics and images involved offer great visualizations for the imagination and also, there’s great learning material to be explored.
  • ·         Gadgets and devices deliver an awareness for technology, whereby children have the advantage at a very early age to learn computer literacy.


  • ·         An obvious reduction in physical activity is visible amongst our little ones. In fact, numerous studies have shown how obesity has doubled in the past three decades*.
  • ·         Gadgets and all sorts of technological based toys comprise of electric components that require electricity and this poses an undermined risk- electrocution. Yes, something we might not have really thought about? Anything that requires to be plugged in automatically poses an accident risk.


  • ·         All physical and handled toys promote an unbelievable enhancement in communication and social skills. When children engage with other friends (running, playing, sharing and building), they develop better communication skills and thus learn to get along with their fellow peers.
  • ·         Touching, holding and feeling an object with the opportunity to manipulate it, holds a very important early child development capability- increasing motor skills. This is one of the most important aspects in educational learning for toddlers and babies.


  • ·         Choking. It can cause a serious accident that cannot be overseen. Thus, handling and playing with age inappropriate toys with no adult supervision may result in serious circumstances.
  • ·         Unfortunately, not all conventional toys are designed for educational learning purposes. Some toy products can actually promote violence and misconstrued perceptions.
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Conclusively, both parts do have their advantages and respective downfalls. While technological toys do encourage computer learning, it will never really impact and aid in the physical and social level of a child’s development. So, before you rush out to buy the latest gaming console, ask yourself, if and what really benefits your child’s learning skills and what will educationally assist them in the long run.

·         References

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